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Selling entire shop of POWER WOOKWORKING AND HAND TOOLS.   Delta 12” wood lathe with chisels and many accessories; big delta band saw; bench tools include drill press, chop saw, mortiser, oscillating  sander, two grinder/polishers, dust collector, custom router table and router, and more.

PLUS large terrarium w/ stand, Japanese chest/end table, tall chest of drawers, craft center w/ 12 drawers and table, wine racks, rigid heddle loom, solar oven, Victorian ironwork, display cabinet with curved glass and quarter sawn oak, gazebo with cover, 2 small shop frigs, steer skulls, hand-painted Chinese chesty, seed starts & pots, large mineral specimens, tall chest of drawers, large garden buddhas, large antique pot filled with succulents.

PLUS Massive reloading sale.  Brass, bullets, dies, powder, primers, power case trimmer, polishing media, ammo, new and reloads, black powder equipment and accessories, Dillon 650 Press.

PLUS Preppers sale, survival equipment and supplies. First aid.


Contact Kathy at [email protected] for details and appointment to see.